Beverley Mitchell from ‘7th Heaven’ says she miscarried twins

Beverley Mitchell from '7th Heaven' says she miscarried twins

Nov. 24 (UPI) — 7th Heaven alum Beverley Mitchell revealed in a blog post that she miscarried twins earlier this year.

“A few months back Michael and I were thrilled, we had just found out we were pregnant, and though we were surprised, we were excited,” she wrote in an essay published Thursday.

She added: “It didn’t take long before we began to prepare for a life filled with more little people in it. And much to our surprise, we came to find out it was twins! After our shock, came acceptance and excitement. A few weeks later, our new dream of our growing family came crashing down; we had a miscarriage. This was a shock. Honestly, my first instinct was to say I was fine, and to be honest; I was trying to be.”

Mitchell said she went back to work where she tried to think positively and focus on healing emotionally, leaning on her husband, Michael Cameron, and friends for support.

She also said she was surprised to learn how many other woman she knew had also suffered miscarriages.

“It wasn’t until I started sharing our loss that I found out many people I knew shared the same scars,” she said, adding, “It is crazy how quickly you can adopt the idea of a new life and how fast that can all go away.”

E! News said Mitchell and Cameron have been married since 2008. Their daughter Kenzie was born in 2013 and their son Hutton arrived in 2015.


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