2020 race for president: Who’s running

Aug. 26 (UPI) — The 2020 presidential campaign is off and running, with a diverse slate of Democrats — and one Republican — vying to challenge President Donald Trump.

It might be the most diverse group of Democrats ever to seek the United States’ highest office. The nation’s first female, Hindu, American Samoan, openly gay or Latin president could be among the bunch.

On the Republican side, two candidates have stepped forward to challenge Trump in the primary season.

Here’s a look at the candidates:


Michael Bennet

Sen. Michael Bennet, one of two Coloradans running for president in 2020, announced his campaign on May 2.

In the weeks after his announcement, he touched on a number of key issues, including increasing employee wages, and making housing, healthcare, childcare and higher education more affordable.

Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced his campaign April 25, citing racial violence in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 as a motivation.

“I cannot stand by and watch that happen. Everything that makes America America is at stake. That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” he said in his announcement.

Bill de Blasio

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio joined the growing list of Democratic presidential candidates May 16 during an appearance on Good Morning America.

De Blasio said he’s running to put working families first, touting his work increasing New York City’s minimum wage and guaranteeing healthcare for New Yorkers.

Cory Booker

Sen. Cory Booker announced his candidacy Feb. 1, touting a record that’s become more liberal since he joined the Senate in 2013, showing support for affirmative action, same-sex marriage, a single-payer healthcare system and women’s rights.

The former Newark, N.J., mayor has worked across the aisle on criminal sentencing reform, and he has introduced or co-sponsored legislation to legalize marijuana, make lynching a federal crime and to protect special counsel Robert Mueller from being fired amid the Russia election meddling probe.

Steve Bullock

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock announced his plans to run for president on May 14 in a video posted online.

He’s touted his ability to work with the Republican-controlled Montana legislature and a campaign finance law he signed in 2015 requiring more transparency by campaigns.

Pete Buttigieg

South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg announced he was forming a presidential exploratory committee Jan. 23 in his bid to become the first millennial leader of the United States.

The openly gay Afghanistan war veteran has called for abolishing the Electoral College, and combating climate change.

Julián Castro

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro announced his presidential candidacy Jan. 13 from his hometown of San Antonio — where he also served as mayor. He’s leaning on his Obama administration experience and progressive ideas on climate change and healthcare to boost his campaign.

He’s shown support for Medicare for all, the Green New Deal on climate change, criminal justice and prison reform and expanded free prekindergarten.

John Delaney

Former Rep. John Delaney was the first major Democratic figure to announce his candidacy for president. He revealed the news in an op-ed published by The Washington Post in July 2017.

Delaney touted his business acumen — he ran two publicly traded companies before age 40 — and his “fresh perspective” on technological innovation and globalization. He called for new infrastructure and international tax reform, as well as healthcare, immigration and education reform with a focus on volunteerism and public service.

Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard formally announced her candidacy Feb. 2 during a rally in Oahu, Hawaii, where she portrayed herself as a member of a young class of politicians seeking to oust the old guard and existing way of doing business in Washington.

She plans to lean on her military experience to set herself apart from the other candidates, calling for a focus on veterans issues, as well as healthcare, criminal justice reform and climate change.

Kirsten Gillibrand

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York announced an exploratory committee on Jan. 16 on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, saying she wants to fight for other people’s children as hard as she would fight for her own.

She supports Medicare for all, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement and stronger gun control laws. She has denounced sexual misconduct in the capital.

Kamala Harris

The senator from California formally announced her candidacy Jan. 21, saying she plans to focus on “the people” in her bid to become the first woman U.S. president. Harris, who served as California attorney general in 2010, has called for protecting immigrants’ rights, reforming the cash bail system, providing tax cuts to the middle class, raising the minimum wage and accessible housing, healthcare and education.

Harris said the U.S. criminal justice system is “horribly flawed” and in need of reform, while expressing support for law enforcement.

Amy Klobuchar

Sen. Amy Klobuchar announced her candidacy Feb. 10 during a rally in her home state of Minnesota. She said she’s running for all Americans, including parents wanting a better education for their children, seniors seeking affordable medication, workers and farmers.

She has also called for more affordable healthcare, online consumer protection, election security, reducing the role of money in politics, automatic voter registration and efforts to reduce climate change.

Beto O’Rourke

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas announced his bid for president March 14 in a video in which he called for action on climate change, immigration law, affordable healthcare and uniting a divided country.

He called climate change the greatest challenge in the world that must be confronted with ingenuity and creativity, adding that we are the “last great hope of Earth.”

Tim Ryan

U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio announced his candidacy April 4, citing the closure of General Motors’ Lordstown plant as his motivation.

Ryan said new solutions are needed in Washington and too many Americans are living without financial security, unable to pay for food or healthcare.

Joe Sestak

Former U.S. Rep Joe Sestak announced his presidential bid June 22 on his campaign website.

The former Navy admiral said he’s running to “restore America’s leadership in the world” and grow the economy, not inequity.

Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts formed an exploratory committee for a presidential campaign in late December and announced her presidency on Feb. 9, promising to fight for the middle class. She’s said she plans to take on corrupt systems and institutions that favor the wealthy while taking advantage of the poor.

She’s shown support for a Green New Deal to reduce the effects of global warming, Medicare for all, a new North American trade deal and a reduction in U.S. military presence around the world.

Marianne Williamson

Author Marianne Williamson launched her campaign for president on Jan. 29, calling for universal healthcare, a $15 minimum wage, a path to citizenship for immigrants with no serious criminal background and an end to plans to build a wall along the southern border.

She also supports the Green New Deal on climate change and agricultural and environmental reforms to stop chronic disease.

Andrew Yang

Entrepreneur Andrew Yang filed the paperwork to run for president in November 2017, calling for a $1,000-per-month universal basic income for all U.S. adults, Medicare for all and a focus on preserving jobs amid an era of automation.

He’s also promised to legalize marijuana and pardon all non-violent drug offenders on April 20, 2021.

Tom Steyer

A San Francisco billionaire, Steyer announced his entry to the race July 9. He’s a former hedge fund manager who crusades against corporate money in politics. He was also the first major Democrat to call for President Donald Trump to be impeached.

In 2013, he founded NextGen America, a nonprofit aimed at fighting climate change, promoting social justice and encourage participation in democracy.

Dropped Out

Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton (Aug. 23)

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (Aug. 21)

John Hickenlooper (Aug. 15)

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (July 8)


Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont announced Feb. 19 he will again run for the Democratic nomination. It will be his second consecutive run for president.

Sanders said he moved the Democratic Party to the left during his 2016 campaign, raising issues like Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage and tuition-free college.

“I’m running for president because, now more than ever, we need leadership that brings us together — not divides us up,” Sanders said. “Women and men, black, white, Latino, Native American, Asian American, gay and straight, young and old, native born and immigrant. Now is the time for us to stand together.”


Bill Weld

Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld was the first Republican to challenge Trump, announcing his formal candidacy April 15. He hopes to appeal to the Republicans and independents who don’t support Trump, but also don’t want a Democrat in office.

“[O]ur president is simply too unstable to carry out the duties of the highest executive office — which include the specific duty to take care that laws be faithfully executed — in a competent and professional matter,” Weld said. “It upsets me that our energies as a society are being sapped by the president’s culture of divisiveness.”

Joe Walsh

A former congressman from Illinois, Walsh announced Aug. 25 he will challenge Trump for the Republican nomination. Just the second Republican to challenge the incumbent president, Walsh said he’s running because Trump is “unfit” for the office.

The country is sick of this guy’s tantrum — he’s a child,” he said.

Walsh was once a strong supporter of Trump’s.

“This isn’t easy to do. … I’m opening up my life to tweets and attacks,” he said. “Everything I’ve said and tweeted now, Trump’s going to go after, and his bullies are going to go after.”


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