President Joe Biden issued a statement on Monday claiming to “stand with the Cuban people” against their repressive communist regime but failing to mention widespread reports of public gang beatings and live fire against unarmed protesters on the part of state security.

“The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment instead of enriching themselves,” the statement said, ignoring that bystanders recorded sounds of heavy gunfire and public beatings of dissidents.

“We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime,” the statement continued.

Biden’s comments are a response to an outpouring of opposition to the 62-year-old Castro regime on Sunday, attracting thousands of protesters nationwide. The protesters chanted slogans against the communist dictatorship to demand the end of communism in Cuba and shouted “freedom” – a fact lost on American mainstream outlets falsely claiming the protests were a response to the nation’s handling of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Videos from the island depict state security officers clothed in official and non-official uniforms attacking peaceful protesters.

Breitbart News reported Monday bystanders in Havana heard sounds of gunfire and beatings of protestors, while “President” Díaz-Canel called for street “combat” against anyone demanding an end to the regime.

The communist government has not released any arrest totals or injury statistics, but some local outlets estimate that hundreds were arrested, taken into police stations but not formally charged or appearing in any law enforcement documentation.

Breitbart News also reported several Cuban journalists not participating but reporting on the protests were arrested, along with Yomil Hidalgo, a popular Cuban dance music artist.

Cubans also harnessed Old Glory throughout the protest, chanting “freedom,” which Latin American news organizations reported.