Blue Angels, Thunderbirds to Honor Coronavirus Workers in New York and New Jersey

Blue Angels
Facebook/U.S. Navy Blue Angels

The U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels and the Air Force’s Thunderbirds will take to the skies this week to thank frontline workers battling the pandemic in New York and New Jersey.

“On Tuesday, the U.S. military’s two top flight demonstration teams dedicated to showcasing America’s air prowess, will be visiting Manhattan and Newark at noon and then Trenton around 1:45 p.m. before heading to Philadelphia,” according to Fox 5.

Each show will last roughly 35 minutes at average altitudes of 1,500 feet.

Monday on Twitter, the Thunderbirds shared photos of the flight paths:

Friday, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that the multi-city flyovers over the next two weeks.

“The two demonstration teams will fly over areas of the country hardest hit by COVID-19, starting next week as both joint and individual team flights occurring every one-to-two days until mid-May,” the announcement read.

While helping the pilots fulfill their training requirements, the performances will incur no additional cost to taxpayers, the press release noted.

Sunday on Instagram, the Blue Angels explained the reason behind the patriotic displays.

“We’ve seen heroes emerge throughout all segments of society, whether it’s the cashier, the truck driver, the police professional, the folks staying at home socially distancing and doing their part,” a flight leader said in the video.

He continued:

Our flyovers are to honor everybody doing what they need to do to make sure that America will get through this because we will get through this virus. Because this is a strong nation. We are America strong, and we are so proud to go out there and honor everyone who is battling COVID-19 in their own way.

“In order to reach the maximum number of Americans, some portions of America Strong will feature only the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds, while others will include both teams flying in their signature Delta formations simultaneously,” the U.S. Department of Defense concluded.


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