The nominally Catholic Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has urged his Irish counterpart to consider abortion in Ireland as a “fundamental” human right.
During a three-day meeting in Canada between Mr. Trudeau and the openly gay Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, the two leaders spoke about Mr. Varadkar’s intention to hold a referendum next year aimed at repealing the Eighth Amendment to the Irish constitution, which protects the right to life of the unborn child.
Varadkar told journalists that the two leaders had discussed the abortion issue for Ireland, as well as his plans for the referendum, which would “give the people of Ireland the opportunity to remove our constitutional ban on abortion, should they wish to do so.”
For his part, Mr. Trudeau said that he had advised the Irish Prime Minister, or “Taoiseach,” to push “reproductive rights” as a fundamental human right.
“On the issue of reproductive rights, I shared our perspective that reproductive rights for women are integral to women’s rights in general and women’s rights are human rights and I encouraged him to look at it as a question of fundamental rights for women and we had a good discussion on that,” the Canadian Prime Minister said.
Canada has one of the most permissive abortion policies in the world, and women can abort their children at any moment up to birth for any reason.
Pro-abortion forces have targeted Ireland in particular because of its restrictive abortion laws. Billionaire George Soros has been using his Open Society Foundation (OSF) to turn Ireland into a pro-abortion country, revealed last year. Soros reportedly intends to use Ireland as a prototype to overturn anti-abortion laws in Catholic countries around the world.
The United Nations as well has attacked Ireland for its pro-life laws, demanding that the predominantly Catholic nation repeal the Eighth Amendment to its constitution that bans the procedure. For years, the UN has targeted the Emerald Isle for its unwillingness to allow women to abort their babies, except when the mother’s life is in danger.
A UN committee in 2014 went so far as to claim that the Irish constitution violates international law, and in 2016, a ruling from UN human rights “experts” said that Ireland’s abortion ban “subjects women to discriminatory, cruel and degrading treatment.”
Earlier this summer, Ireland’s annual “Rally for Life” in Dublin drew some 70,000 marchers, who called for the protection of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.
David Quinn, founder and director of the Iona Institute for Religion and Society, told Breitbart News that the immense turnout for the march sent “a very strong signal to the Government that they are going to meet tremendous resistance in their campaign to remove from our Constitution the right to life of the unborn.”
On Sunday, Trudeau accompanied Varadkar to march in Montreal’s Gay Pride rally, which marked the first time that a foreign head of state has ever taken part in the demonstration.
The 45-year-old Trudeau declared: “For all that we celebrate here in Canada, there is a lot of work to do around the world, and we need to build up our allies and stand together strongly for rights, for opportunities and for the values we know unite our countries.”
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