Teen Vogue asked young women gathered at CPAC this weekend – ranging in age from 17 to 29, and traveling in from across the country – to evaluate President Donald Trump’s first month in office.
Breitbart News’ National Security Editor Frances Martel noted that President Trump’s support for oppressed Latino communities, particularly in Venezuela and Cuba, was a departure from the past eight years:
I’m generally very satisfied with the first months because the issues I care about the most – human rights issues, international human rights issues, national security – he’s been very strong on. We just saw the wife of a Venezuelan political prisoner in the Oval Office with the president, shaking her hand and saying we are with the people of Venezuela. We haven’t gotten that. We in the Latino community haven’t gotten that much attention. That same week she was there, we had Cuban political prisoners testifying to members of Congress. That’s a big change from President Obama going to a baseball game with Raúl Castro and doing the wave.
Read the rest of the responses at Teen Vogue.