One of the high-ranking Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) commanders in Syria is from the United States, a Yazidi slave told MailOnline, referring to her former captor.

“A Yazidi slave girl has claimed the high-ranking ISIS commander who held her prisoner was a white American who directed the terror group’s attacks and received personal letters from its leader,” reports MailOnline.

The U.S. citizen was identified by Nada, the 19-year-old former slave, as Abu Abdullah al-Amriki, 23. She told MailOnline that al-Amriki “boasted about how beautiful women from all over the world wanted to join him in Syria and that he always kept a vial of poison on him – in case he was captured in battle.”

Nada was sold at a slave auction in ISIS’s de-facto capital of Raqqa in Syria. She was bought by the ISIS commander in October 2014.

“The tall, pale man with black hair and short beard bought nine girls in total but sold seven of them on,” notes MailOnline.

Al-Amriki reportedly took Nada to one of his “many” heavily-guarded houses in Manbij, Aleppo, where she ended up with another Yazidi girl and her son.

The article reveals:

The teenager, who is now in America, told her harrowing story to the US government after escaping with her captor’s phone. Her fellow Yazidi hostage, known as “Bazi,” is also in the country – she will give evidence against Abu Abdullah to Congress and wants the FBI to press charges against him.

MailOnline pointed out that it cannot independently verify Nada’s claim, adding that the Yazidi girl said she has never seen al-Amriki’s picture on videos or pictures distributed by ISIS.

Nada indicated that “Abu Abdullah was a very important figure in Islamic State and a stream of armed balaclava-clad militants from all nationalities visited the house,” notes MailOnline.

“Many guests were coming and he was always explaining things to them. He was drawing maps of the fighting. He was telling everyone how to fight, about how to make an ambush,” she said. “He was always ordering people to move and how to make a plan. He always carried a pistol and an AK47.”

“There were also sniper rifles in the house, lying around. He also carried a policeman’s stick which he used to beat me and the boy [another prisoner] with. He also slapped the boy,” she added. “They didn’t let me enter the room when they were talking. They only let me enter the room when they were talking tea to them.”

She said the alleged American ISIS commander, who spoke bad Arabic, was a “nervous” man who showered himself in strong perfume and yelled at her constantly.

A report issued by the House Armed Services Committee revealed that more than 250 Americans have traveled to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS since 2011. Dozens of them have snuck back into the United States without being arrested or monitored, adds the report.

“Over 25,000 foreign fighters have traveled to the battlefield to enlist with Islamist terrorist groups, including at least 4,500 Westerners,” says the report. “More than 250 individuals from the United States have also joined or attempted to fight with extremists in the conflict zone.”