The latest edition of the Islamic State terror group’s Dabiq magazine features an article that proclaims Syrians and Libyans making the exodus to Europe are “sinners,” and the Western world will expose their kids to secular thoughts, drugs, alcohol, and sex.
“Sadly some Syrians and Libyans are willing to risk the lives and souls of… their children, sacrificing many of them during the dangerous trip to the lands of the war-waging crusaders ruled by the laws of atheism and indecency,” a portion of the article read, Reuters reports.
The ISIS publication urged Syrians to stay and fight Assad instead of to leave the area and commit a “major sin.”
“It should be known that voluntarily leaving Drul-Islm (lands of Islam) for drul-kufr (land of unbelievers) is a dangerous major sin, as it is a passage towards kufr (disbelief) and a gate towards one’s children and grandchildren abandoning Islam for Christianity, atheism, or liberalism,” the publication said, according to the Reuters report.
Christian majority countries will expose Muslim children to horrific things such as “the constant threat of fornication, sodomy, drugs, and alcohol,” the terrorist propaganda magazine continued.
“If they don’t fall into sin, they will forget the language of the Koran – Arabic – which they were surrounded by in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere, making the return to the religion and its teachings more difficult,” the English-language jihadist publication added.
The Islamic State has now released 11 issues of Dabiq, its English-language propaganda magazine that first debuted in July 2014.
The publication often hones in on religious sentiments, portraying ISIS’s struggle as a war against the Christian and Jewish people. In a recent edition of Dabiq, for example, the words “Crusaders” and “Christians” appeared well over 100 times.
According to the Clarion Project, the name “Dabiq” comes from “a place in Syria that is supposed to be the location for one of the final battles according to certain Muslim myths about a final apocalypse.”