March to Save America Hopes to Unite Country Against Iranian Deal


Thousands are expected to demonstrate on Capitol Hill on September 9 for the March to Save America, a rally to show opposition to the Iranian nuclear deal.

Barry Nussbaum, one of the co-founders of The March to Save America wrote:

This opposition represents a broad cross section of the American public. Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Muslims and Jews, veterans, blue collar, professionals, defense and civil service workers, urban and rural, tea party members and liberals. While all these groups may differ on many issues, they are unified to kill the deal.

Nussbaum added:

The only way to stop the deal, at this stage, is to put major pressure on Congress to reject it. While many organizations are working tirelessly through lobbying individual congressmen to stop the deal, we feel that the strongest statement America can make is to unite through a march on Washington: The March to Save America.

“Once the deal is killed, the proper approach for forcing Iran to abandon its aggressive threats and actions can be pursued,” he concluded.

Famed experts and scholars will attend the rally, including Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz and the Honorable H. Russell Taub, the former ambassador of the International Human Rights Commission.

Dershowitz has said of the accord:

The Iran deal is bad for peace, for America and for our allies. There are alternatives that decrease the chance that Iran will obtain a nuclear arsenal. We must exercise our constitutional right to petition our government for assurances that Iran will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.

The rally will start at 9:00 a.m. Eastern on September 9 at the West Front side of the Capitol building and will conclude at 7:00 p.m.


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