According to a new Rasmussen poll, Americans are not only pessimistic about the war against Islamist terror, but roughly half of Americans believe most Muslims around the globe see the United States as their enemy.
The highest percentage since 9/11/2001–39% of respondents–said the United States is losing to Islamic terrorists, as opposed to 33% in March. A rate of 49% believe Muslims globally hate the United States, a jump from 39% earlier this year and the highest percentage since the 49% in August 2013. Most GOP voters agree, at 66%, while only 38% of Democrats and 44% of independents agree.
Confidence in the efforts to combat terrorism has continually dipped since Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, when 62% of Americans felt confident. The only spike came following the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Of all respondents, 52% said U.S. relations with the Islamic world are worse today than in 2010; 44% felt that way last August. A whopping 75% of Americans think Muslim leaders should stress the peaceful aspects of their faith, and 52% believe that Islam today champions violence more than other religions.
GOP voters are more skeptical about U.S. efforts to combat terrorism, as 55% believe the U.S. is losing the war, while only 24% of Democrats and 39% of independents agree. Most GOP voters–67%–think relations with the Islamic world are worse than in 2012; while 55% of independents concur, only 24% of Democrats agree.
Roughly, one-third–34% of voters–believe the U.S. is safer now than before 9/11, and 86% of voters believe radical Islamists are a threat to the nation.