Marco Rubio Commemorates Cuba’s Downing of Civilian Planes

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AP Photo

As President Obama has seemingly forgotten, or refused to remember, the downing of two “Brother’s to the Rescue” civilian airplanes by Cuba’s communist Leader, Fidel Castro, Senator Marco Rubio (R) released a statement commemorating the 19th anniversary of the incident over the Florida Straits.

Obama has looked past all of the Castro brothers’ past human rights violations, unjust imprisonments, as well as murders, like the shooting down of the “Brother’s to the Rescue” planes, by pushing to “normalize” relations with Communist Cuba.

Here is what Rubio stated:

Nineteen years ago today, three American citizens and one U.S. resident were flying civilian planes in international airspace when they were murdered in cold blood by missiles from Cuban MiGs. Carlos Costa, Armando Alejandre, Jr., Mario de la Peña and Pablo Morales were killed in the prime of their lives as members of a humanitarian organization called Brothers To The Rescue whose mission was to fly over the Florida Straits looking for Cuban rafters fleeing from Castro’s Cuba in the mid-1990s.

Anyone who has not heard the chilling audio recording of the Cuban MiG pilots celebrating the assassination of these four young men should do so on this day of remembrance. One doesn’t even need to speak Spanish to understand the unadulterated glee in their voices about murdering the four civilian pilots the way they did, on then-Defense Minister Raul Castro’s orders…

Here is the audio courtesy of our amigos over at Babalublog.


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