Twitter accounts associated with the Islamic State (ISIS) and radical Islam mourned the deaths of brothers Said and Cherif Kouchai and Amedy Coulibaly in France. Friday, French officials killed the two brothers, the men who allegedly slaughtered twelve innocent people at Charlie Hebdo after they hid in a printing press building in Dammartin-en-Goele, just north of Paris.
Coulibaly, who reportedly murdered policewoman Clarissa Jean-Philippe on Thursday, died after he took hostages at a Kosher market. All three men belonged to the same jihadi group. Reports state that before killing the cartoonists, the brothers told witnesses they received training from al-Qaeda in Yemen.
“Martyrdom Lions executed. God accept them.”
“They did this. Martyrs in France.”
“These lions are blessed by God.”
“Blessed Prophet, please be upon them. Blessed Prophet, defend them on the back of the unseen.”
The site where two brothers died.
“French news agency says cops killed our brothers. God accept them.”
“God made sure France does not sleep, but gained hypnotic fear and horror. Congratulations on the testimony, God willing.”
“Allahu Akbar, 4 new people, including the Jews in infidel France.”
“They shed their blood in defense of the messenger of God. You win, Lord. You show ultimate courage.”
Some warned the world there will be more attacks if others continue to mock Islam and Muhammad: