District of Columbia Capitol Police have ordered a security detail for Michele Bachmann (R-MN), after the Congresswoman’s life has been threatened by the Islamic State, according to law enforcement sources who told Politico.
The U.S. Capitol Police Dignitary Protection Division was reportedly briefed on the specific threat to Bachmann, which reportedly came from members of the Islamic State terror group. Congresswoman Bachmann’s security team will be at her side until her retirement at the end of the current congressional session.
The Congresswoman told the conservative Values Voter Summit in September that America needs to focus on the ideology of radical jihadi groups–which stem from the doctrine of Islam–and criticized the Obama administration for its lack of understanding on the issue.
She said:
It’s because we have jihadists who subscribe to a radical ideology that believes dying in the name of Islam gets them to heaven. And what we need to do is to defeat this Islamic jihad. Sadly, President Obama has the wrong prescription. He even fails to acknowledge their motivations for bringing about jihad. Yes, Mr. President, it is about Islam.
Bachmann has been at the forefront in sounding the alarm and warning against the threat posed by global jihadi groups such as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, among others. She told Breitbart News in July: “We need to defeat the ideology of Islamism, the ideology of Jihad. We need to explain to the American people what is going on, what is wrong, and we need to attack the ideology.”
Bachmann has authored legislation that would bar American jihadis who have joined the Islamic State from coming back into the United States. She told Newsmax regarding the proposed law: “The Islamic State has been very clear about their intentions. That’s why they call themselves the Islamic State. They see that the global caliphate literally goes around the world, including the United States.”
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