The LGBT Human Rights Campaign has called for a federal officer to enforce the LGBT agenda around the world. 

In a letter sent Thursday, HRC president Chad Griffin is asking supporters to sign a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding that he name a “senior official” in the State Department who will crack down on American groups working for traditional values overseas. Griffin picks out a little-known American named Scott Lively, who has become the poster boy of evil to the LGBT movement. 

Lively, almost totally unknown in the United States, has made several trips overseas to assist religious groups in Africa and elsewhere to resist American and European governmental and non-governmental efforts to export the LGBT agenda. 

He is accused of favoring the killing of homosexuals, something Lively vehemently denies. What’s more, the evidence for LGBT accusations against him–that he is responsible for draconian laws against gays in Africa–include no more than his being in Africa and speaking on these issues. 

The letter also goes after the World Congress of Families, a group with an annual budget of no more than $500,000. The $50-million-a-year HRC accuses the World Congress of fomenting violence against gays in Russia and Africa. 

The World Congress holds conferences around the world that bring together pro-life and pro-family activists, scholars, and policy makers. The Congress has been supported by heads of state like George Bush and other well-respected leaders. 

The letter–reprinted below–charges, “The infamous World Congress of Families has decided to meet in Salt Lake City next year to plot out their strategy for exporting hate around the world.”

One international activist connected to the World Congress told Breitbart News, “The left’s arguments on these issues consists solely of demonizing their opponents rather than engaging in civilized debate. They are totalitarians who seek to stifle democratic debate. And now they want the State Department to do their dirty work for them.” 

Read the full HRC letter: