Army Cutting Size to Less Than 450,000 Soldiers After 2017

Army Cutting Size to Less Than 450,000 Soldiers After 2017

The Pentagon plans to cut the “Army’s size to below 450,000 soldiers after 2017.”

These cuts come as Russia is flexing its muscles and the Taliban and Al Qaeda are readying to ramp up once the U.S. leaves Afghanistan. 

According to The Hill, this means cuts in combat brigades from the current 32 to a figure as low as 24 if the Army’s size shrinks “to 420,000 by 2019.” And a report from the Congressional Research Service indicates “a 420,000 Army would also mean reducing National Guard brigade combat teams (BCTs) to 22.”

Army Vice Chief of Staff General John Campbell said this could lead to a situation where some active duty brigades are combined with National Guard: “We might have to take some Guard and put them with active, and take some active and put them with Guard.” 

Campbell said the Army “may have to cut more combat aviation brigades” as well.

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