The former governor of Tamaulipas, the Mexican state bordering a large part of South Texas, hasbeen indicted in the U.S. on numerous charges related to allegedlyhelping the Mexican Gulf cartel smuggle narcotics into the U.S. andlaunder money.
Former Tamaulipas Governor Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba was indictedalong with a Mexican construction firm owner, Fernando Alejandro CanoMartinez, for “conspiring to violate the provisions of the RacketeerInfluenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) statute, conspiracy tolaunder money, conspiracy to defraud, and conspiracy to make falsestatements to federally insured U.S. banks,” according to the U.S.Attorney’s Office.
The former governor was also charged with “conspiracy to violate theprovisions of the Controlled Substances Act, two substantive bank fraudcharges, and a conspiracy to structure currency transactions at adomestic financial institution,” according to the U.S. Attorney’sOffice. The construction company owner, Cano, also received separatecharges.
The indictment reveals that the former governor allegedly accepted largepayments from the Gulf cartel and other drug trafficking organizationsto allow his state to be used by the organizations. The U.S. Attorney’sOffice also alleges that the former governor then began operating hisown large-scale cocaine trafficking enterprise.
The indictment also alleges that the former governor transferred $7 million into Texas banks from “front entities.”
Both men are not currently in the custody of U.S. authorities.