China's One-Child Policy Responsible for 336M Abortions, 196M Sterilizations

China's One-Child Policy Responsible for 336M Abortions, 196M Sterilizations

China’s one child policy has been one of the great human rights atrocities in world history, according to new statistics from the Chinese Health Ministry. They claim that over 336 million abortions have been performed since the inception of the policy in 1971. During that same period, 196 million men and women have been sterilized in China.

The Chinese population believes that the one child policy is all that separates them from poverty – a rational thought in light of the scarcity mentality created by communism. But 13 million abortions per year speak to the human cost of an economic system that has imprisoned hundreds of millions behind a barrier of bureaucracy and redistributionism.

Thanks to China’s unsustainable economic model, the one-child policy may soon be changed; the demography of the country is tipping toward the middle aged and elderly. 


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