This morning’s key headlines from

China’s neighbors express alarm over militant new South China Sea policy

China’s ‘9-dash map’ stamped into its passports (Reuters)

China’s neighbors are expressing alarm over China’s belligerent newactions in claiming sovereignty over the entire South China Sea,including regions that historically belonged to other countries,including Brunei, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam.China’s new passports contain the “nine-dash map,” a map that Chinauses to designate its claims with nine dashes circling the entireSouth China Sea. As I reported reported two days ago, China is now sending warships to the SouthChina Sea and is preparing to board and take control of any ship inwhat china considers to be its sovereign “territorial waters.”The Philippines, which refuses to recognize the new Chinese passport,is saying that China’s new military policy is a violation ofinternational laws. One senior Philippine naval officer has a differentexplanation:

“Those warnings [by China] are not directed atus. They might be trying to find out how far the United Stateswould react because this could affect freedom of navigation in oneof the busiest sea lanes in the world. If this is an officialpolicy announced by Beijing, this is very serious and a cause ofconcern.”

This may be just wishful thinking on the part of the Philippineofficial. It was just eight months ago that the Philippines wereforced to back down in a naval confrontation with China over theScarborough Shoal, some islands that are clearly the Philippines’sovereign territory. (See “8-Jul-12 World View — China escalates military buildup in South China Sea”)

Indonesia does not have a claim to the region, but it has been tryingto act as a mediator in setting a Code of Conduct for China and itsneighbors. The Indonesian government is now saying that unilateralactions by the China are exacerbating territorial disputes. Accordingto Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa:

“We perceive the Chinese move as disingenuous, liketesting the water, to see its neighbors’ reactions.

They can issue [the nine-dash map] but it will have noeffect.

Indonesia’s focus will not be shifted [by any unilateral move]. Weshould concentrate on the completion of the Code of Conduct. Ihope that we, ASEAN and China can focus on dialogue.”

Reuters and Jakarta Post

China conducts drills to prepare for new military policy in South China Sea

A fleet of China’s naval warships on Saturday morning carried outdrills in the South China Sea to prepare for the new military policyof boarding and seizing ships of other nations that enter what Chinaclaims are its “territorial waters.” China has not clarified theinterpretation of its new military policy, and whether they will boardand seize ordinary commercial ships passing through the South ChinaSea, which is one of the busiest commercial routes in theworld. China Daily and Zee News (India)

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians rally to support Morsi and Sharia law

After several days of protests in opposition to Egypt’s presidentMohamed Morsi and his recent constitutional decree granting himselfdictatorial powers, pro-Morsi demonstrators finally came out toprotest. More than three hundred thousand demonstrators took to thestreets on Saturday to support Morsi and his constitutional decree,and to demand the implementation of Islamic Sharia law in the newconstitution. One demonstrator, a Salafist, said that he was callingfor the implementation of “God’s Law”:

“It’s like a refrigerator that comes with its manual;when God created us, our manual was the Quran and the Sunna [theprophet Mohamed’s teachings], and they are what we mustfollow.

He added that Morsi’s recent decisions are an example of theenforcement’s of God’s law.

The protests began near Cairo University. In the evening, hundreds ofIslamists marched onto the High Constitutional Court (HCC), which isexpected to issue its verdict on the constitutionality of theConstituent Assembly, which wrote the new constitution. Al-Ahram (Cairo)

Egypt’s Morsi calls for constitutional referendum on December 15

Egypt’s president Mohamed Morsi announced on nationwide television onSaturday that he’s calling for a referendum on December 15 to ratifythe draft constitution that was just put forward by the ConstituentAssembly. Popular opinion is split between Islamists and Salafistswho favor ratification on the one hand, and the liberal and secularistopposition who oppose ratification. Morsi has promised to rescind theconstitutional decree giving himself dictatorial powers if the draftconstitution is ratified. For this reason, some analysts arepredicting that many in the opposition will vote to ratify theconstitution, rather than continue under a government with Morsi asdictator. Al-Ahram (Cairo)

Kim Kardashian starts a riot in Bahrain

Kim Kardashian poses with a young Bahraini boy in Riffa, Bahrain, on Saturday (AP)

Thousands of Kim Kardashian fans, who had paid up to 500 Bahrainidinars ($1,360) a ticket, broke into hysterical screams as the32-year-old celebrity launched the Millions of Milkshakes franchiseinside a mall in Riffa, the second largest city in Bahrain. However,about 100 Sunni Salafists demonstrated with banners against the visit,saying she was “an actress with an extremely bad reputation.”Kardashian made glowing remarks about Bahrain, calling it “theprettiest place on earth.” Reuters and Daily Mail (London)

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