Resurgent Taliban Comfortable with Obama Second Term

Resurgent Taliban Comfortable with Obama Second Term

Reports indicate the terrorist group behind untold numbers of American military deaths over the last decade and beyond, is comfortable with a second term for Obama and ready to completely sever ties with Al-Qaeda.

Four senior Taliban officials say they are not at enmity with Americans per se, and “they are prepared to accept a long-term US military presence in [Afghanistan] if” such a presence “helped Afghan security.”

They are willing to have five US bases in Afghanistan, spread across various provinces, with only one catch: the bases cannot be used to launch an attack on Iran or Pakistan. According to the Taliban officials, an attack launched on either country from US bases would nullify the ceasefire between the Taliban and the US, leading to a resumption of warfare. 

These Taliban officials also made it clear that they hope a continuing US military presence will translate into US economic aid as well.

Other Taliban officials have made it clear they have no intention of going along with a ceasefire, saying “it would be tantamount to a surrender.”


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