More than 500 days ago, Breitbart News’ Big Peace published my article, Special Forces Units Ignore Bureaucratic Memo and Save Lives. Today, I’m only a few months away from publishing The Clapper Memo, my second nonfiction book in which I expose how that memo, signed by the man who now serves as our nation’s top intelligence official, is likely resulting in the deaths of dozens of American soldiers in Afghanistan.

In a post last week, I informed readers I had received word from Afghanistan that Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. quietly called for a new survey to be conducted among end users of the Pentagon-approved interrogation technology known as the Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System (PCASS). It remains to be seen whether the survey will involve end users in Afghanistan only or worldwide — or whether it will be halted after the book publishes.

Either way, it’s an earth-shaking development. Almost five years have passed since Clapper, then serving as Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, signed a memo making PCASS (a.k.a., “the portable polygraph”) the only approved credibility assessment tool for use by DoD personnel despite the fact that other technologies had been proven more reliable.

More than three years have passed since I began investigating the impact of the memo on our nation’s capability to wage the so-called “Global War on Terror.” Since then, I’ve talked with dozens of people, including members of the Army’s Special Forces and the Navy SEALS, in one-on-one interviews about their firsthand experience with non-polygraph technology used to interrogate enemy combatants, other detainees, and third-country nationals seeking employment on U.S. military bases. In addition, I’ve collected memos and documentation from people such as a senior interrogation official at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility that corroborate what the warfighters have told me.

More than eight weeks have passed since I began investigating possible root causes of the so-called “green-on-blue” attacks in Afghanistan that involve members of the Afghan National Security Force (a.k.a., “allies”) turning on their U.S. and NATO counterparts.

The first step of that investigation involved submitting a Freedom of Information Act request to the U.S. Army April 10. In my FOIA request, I asked for a copy of an unclassified Army handbook, “Inside the Wire Threats — Afghanistan,” from the Center for Army Lessons Learned at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. It’s the same handbook that was mentioned by Gen. John Allen, commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, during his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee March 22.

Although federal law requires a response to FOIA requests within 20 days unless extenuating circumstances prevent it, I’ve waited 59 days — so far — and have been told not to expect an answer sooner than June 21. If my math is correct, that will be Day 72. Fortunately, I have more than one House Armed Services Committee staffer assisting me with this FOIA request now.

Stay tuned for updates as the details above only scratch the surface of what I’ll reveal in The Clapper Memo.