Since the rise of al Qaeda and other extremist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, both the Obama and Bush administrations have confronted a countermeasure campaign where the West is seen to be at war with Islam. How does the US without merely polishing its image go about combating such campaigns? How can we win in a region where the US has little credibility? Shanker and Schmitt argue that the leaders of the Free World need to expose the true actions of al Qaeda and demonstrate that their murderous actions cannot make them “the righteous ones.”
What motives nations, companies, and even some charities to finance terrorist activates? Moreover, are these financiers susceptible to traditional threats? According to “Counterstrike,” because some financiers are not ready to make the ultimate sacrifice, sophisticated threats can be used to deter their actions. Will such methods ultimately discourage routing funds from companies and charities to support terrorist groups?
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