Roger Noriega: Bracing For Impact

Former US Ambassador to the Organization of American States, Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and our go-to-guy on Latin American affairs, Roger Noriega visits with Secure Freedom Radio to give Frank Gaffney his insight into the December 2012 presidential elections that will happen in Venezuela. He expresses his fears that the opposition will not have enough time to mobilize a nation-wide election if the elections are moved up to March 2012 due to Chavez’s battle with cancer.

Noriega also states how the Chavez regime is “bracing for the impact” that will occur in the wake of Hugo Chavez’s potential death. These initiatives include moving $29 billion of international reserves from banks in Britain and the US to China and Russia, as well as moving $9 billion in gold back to Venezuela. Moreover, Noriega hashes out his concerns of the mining uranium efforts in Ecuador and other countries that could be used to support nuclear efforts by Iran. Listen here: [audio:]


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