Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio, Jim Hanson laments the “armchair quarterbacking” that has followed the Osama Bin Laden raid and the failed helicopter mission, in which large amounts of operationally secure information has leaked to the press. “I don’t think we know and I don’t think we should know,” says Hanson about what led to the helicopter being shot down in Afghanistan. He argues by releasing these details the safety of our special forces and their families will be compromised. Another subject that has left Hanson in a “scathing mood” is the use of the funerals for the Seal Team Six members as a photo op for the President. Against the family’s wishes, a White House photographer captured “a beautifully framed photo of Obama attempting to make a salute” says Hanson, who calls it a disgrace to capitalize on the deaths our combat troops.

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