Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Secure Freedom Radio: Fred and Catherine Grandy, the former “Love Boat” actor, Congressman and CEO of Goodwill Industries and his wife, a novelist and former Editor in chief of “Teen Magazine,” were the happy hosts of the talk radio show “The Grandy Group.” That is until they stumbled upon material that branded them “Islamaphobes.” In March, the pair soon found themselves off the air, casualties of political correctness, as a result of exposing members from within government as well as private and public entities acting to make the United States Sharia compliant.

Fred and Catherine join Frank to discuss their departure from the hit morning show, as Fred explains, “I think connecting the dots ultimately undid us.” The Grandy’s then spend the next hour delving into the myriad of ways our constitution is being used to “tolerate intolerance” in advancing the establishment of Islamic law. Fred and Catherine explain the Muslim Brotherhood’s own memorandum “Civilization Jihad,” and how front organizations have been acting within the U.S. for years mastering the art of Public Relations, lobbying and the media in their attempt to usurp the Western way of life.

The Grandy’s also explain how some Leftist organizations are “useful idiots” to the Muslim Brotherhood, as they seek to collaborate with groups who hold an ideology that calls for their annihilation. Finally, the Grandy’s give us their take on Addul Rahman Al-Amoudi, whom they refer to as “the face of the Muslim Brotherhood,” as prosecutors seek to shorten his 23-year jail sentence, and what questions should be asked of our government officials and Presidential candidates in order to address this growing and insidious agenda. Listen here: [audio:]