Congressman: Don't Name Navy Ship After Cesar Chavez!

Following up on our earlier report, we are glad to pass along this from the Marine Corps Times:

“SAN DIEGO — The Navy’s purported decision to name a new cargo ship after the late civil rights leader and union activist Cesar Chavez on Tuesday drew conflicting reactions from two California lawmakers.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., criticized the decision, saying in an announcement that he was notified by a Navy official earlier Tuesday that the service planned to name the 14th and final ship in the Lewis-and-Clark class of cargo ships after Chavez, a spokesman for Hunter said.

“This decision shows the direction the Navy is heading. Naming a ship after Cesar Chavez goes right along with other recent decisions by the Navy that appear to be more about making a political statement than upholding the Navy’s history and tradition,” Hunter said in a news release.


Hunter, a Marine Corps veteran who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and serves on the House Armed Services Committee, said the Navy should consider naming a ship after the late Lt. John Finn, a World War II veteran who received the Medal of Honor, or the late Marine Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was awarded the Navy Cross for his actions in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004, when he died after smothering a grenade to save the lives of Marines nearby.

“Peralta is one of many Hispanic war heroes — some of whom are worthy of the same recognition,” Hunter said in the statement.

You can read the full story here. Senator Barbara Boxer (no surprise), applauded the decision.


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