It’s not often you get nearly an entire tv program dedicated to the dangers of Shariah, much less Shariah Compliant Finance. Last week, Glenn Beck did an amazing job of it, joined by the Center for Security Policy’s Christopher Holton and the Middle East Forum’s Daniel Pipes. The Center for Security Policy and Frank Gaffney have been the principal voices combating and warning of the dangers of Shariah-Compliant Finance for years. It’s wonderful that conservatives in the media and around the country are listening. Let’s hope that, after Glenn’s daily show is over, he’ll be back on tv devoting more time to these important issues.

Glenn touched on the basics of Shariah Finance, using Qaradawi’s declaration that it is “Jihad With Money.” Sheik Qaradawi, of course, is a key SCF adviser himself– as is Taqi Usmani (he of the very bad teeth; covered before here at Big Peace). The show also touched on the scandal of the US government’s ownership of the largest provider of Shariah financial products, AIG.

For a very in-depth examination of the issues surrounding Shariah Compliant Finance, see David Yerushalmi’s 72-page paper for the Utah Law Review, Shariah’s Black Box: Civil Liability and Criminal Exposure Surrounding Shariah Compliant Finance. To keep up to date on these issues, follow Christopher Holton’s Shariah Finance Watch blog.