The horrific photos of US soldiers posing with dead Afghan civilians should be rightfully condemned. That is not the sort of battlefield conduct we should condone by America’s finest. But what about the larger questions? What are the larger questions?
#1: During the Bush years when the Abu Ghraib scandal erupted with photos of American soldiers posing with humiliated prisoners, we were told that this was a reflection of George W. Bush. Harry Smith on CBS claimed that Abu Ghraib was a logical consequence of Bush’s policies. His interrogation techniques caused the problem. In other words, Bush was the root cause.
So with these new horrific photos now coming out, is Obama the root cause? Somehow I doubt that we will not be hearing the argument by the MSM.
#2: The timing of this leak is troubling. It will cause an uproar in the Middle East precisely at a time when the United States is engaged in three wars. The larger question is: Is this information warfare against the US. The enemies of the United States regularly time their release of information to coincide with important military operations. The timing here is just too similar. Note too that the photos were released to a left-leaning German magazine and Germany is not actively participating in operations in Libya.