In an emotional exchange at a congressional hearing with Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC), General David Petraeus was challenged to “be honest” about when US troops will come home from Afghanistan. “You know, 15, 16, 17 years, for God sakes, how much more can we take, how much more can we give treasure and blood?” asked Jones.
Petraeus replied, “I may not be at this table, probably won’t be, in 2015, but I’ll tell you that my son is in uniform, and Lieutenant Petraeus just completed a tour in Afghanistan.” He noted that they were able to keep his service “very quiet” so his son would not receive special treatment….or be targeted by the enemy.
Lt. Stephen Petraeus on a mission in Wardak Province, Afghanistan
Second Lt. Stephen Petraeus served in Afghanistan as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. God bless him and thanks for his service.
Perhaps this will silence critics who continue to attack Petraeus personally. Disagree with his policy? That’s fine. But don’t question the man’s commitment or character. He knows the stakes.
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