In his novel Anna Karenina acclaimed Russian writer Leo Tolstoy says “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Well after a weekend of horrors there are many unhappy families on the planet today. The victims in Japan could not do much to avoid disaster but for a young family in Israel wiped by a terror attack, much could be done to avoid the tragedy.

A massive earthquake near Japan triggered tsunami waves that caused havoc in Japan but also in Hawaii and Northern California. A nuclear catastrophe almost happened when one of the nuclear plants in Japan collapsed and melted down. The world is watching closely as Japan continues to struggle with its nuclear reactors to maintain stability.

With more than 1400 presumed dead in Japan, close to 10,000 people missing and more tsunami casualties in the US, this is a disaster beyond belief. But it is a natural disaster. There was nothing we could do to avoid it and no one is responsible for it.

At the same time in Israel a very different disaster happened. A family was murdered in its home while sleeping. Terrorists penetrated the family home, murdering two parents and three of their children, aged 11, 3 and two months, in their sleep. The elder child, age 12, returned home after spending the evening with friends to find her family brutally murdered. Miraculously two children who were in the house during the attack managed to escape and survived.

Toys scattered at the terror scene (source:YnetNews)

As opposed to natural disasters that cannot be avoided, this is man made terror. This is a result of the ongoing Palestinian incitement to terror and hate in schools, mosques and media. Incitement leads to children murdered in their sleep.

PM Netanyahu was shocked saying “this is a despicable murder of an entire innocent family, parents, children and an infant, while they were sleeping in their home on the Sabbath evening”.

While the US condemned the horrible terror act, Netanyahu called on countries of the world “that run to the UN to condemn planned Israeli building,” to rush to condemn the terror attack in the same manner”.

There is little we can do to avoid natural disasters. Accidents happen as well. But we cannot stand by and allow such man made terror attack to go unnoticed. Please take action – click here to contact UN delegations of Security Council members and human rights organizations. Call on them to condemn the terror act in clear terms.

All of us in send our deepest sympathy to all victims of this weekend horrors. We hope for a better day tomorrow.