'Psy-Ops' Against Politicians? Seems Like A Complete Non-Story

Rolling Stone is pushing a story, aided by CNN and other outlets, that a “information operations unit” used psychological operations in an effort to influence Senators to support more funding for the war in Afghanistan. “Psy Ops” and “information operations”! Sounds so black ops! What exactly did they do? As the AP puts it:

“The staff of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, head of the effort to train Afghan security forces, ordered the information operations unit to compile profiles, voting records and other information on visiting lawmakers to leverage in a campaign to get more assistance, said a story Thursday on Rolling Stone’s website. It says the campaign also improperly targeted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, and others.”

Getting information on their voting records? Compiling profiles? That’s it? Really scary stuff. That crosses the line, doesn’t it?

The main source for the story was the subject of an AR 15-6 investigation while stationed in Afghanistan.

Unless something else emerges, this appears to be another example of a reporter looking to make a non-story into something it isn’t. Must be still smokin’ crazy stuff at Rolling Stone.


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