Michael Mukasey: How Obama Has Mishandled the War on Terror

Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio, Frank is joined for two segments by former United States Attorney General, Michael Mukasey. AG Mukasey has recently published a new book entitled, How Obama has Mishandled the War on Terror. Frank and Mukasey cover a lot of ground concerning terrorism and national security policy. Among several topics, Mukasey gives a good threat assessment and epistemology on the Muslim Brotherhood. In other words, how do we know what we know about the Muslim Brotherhood? What do we know about their activity here in America? As a former Attorney General, this is a timely conversation to have with someone who has recently held an executive national security position. [audio: http://www.securefreedomradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/02152011_Seg3_Mukasey_12min10.mp3] [audio: http://www.securefreedomradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/02152011_Seg4_Mukasey_10min18.mp3]


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