The Oracle of Havana has spoken again. In a signed editorial in the state-owned Granma, Castro play pundit, analyzing President Obama’s speech in Arizona. The Butcher of Havana has high praise for Obama, who he calls “an exceptional figure leading the government of the United States.” But he also picks up on Obama’s dependence on the teleprompter, nothing that the President is “highly dependent on the written pages” in front of him when he speaks. And of the Tea Party? The Dying Man of Havana says that the Arizona shooter, Jared Loughner, was “intoxicated by the hatred reigning in U.S. society, where the fascist Tea Party group has imposed its extremism on the Republican Party…”
So: is Fidel Castro channeling Keith Olbermann? Or is Olbermann channeling Castro? Or, is it a distinction without a difference?
You can read the whole Castro piece here.
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