The following was written by “David Meyers” a former intelligence officer.

The past month or so has proven to be a difficult one for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States as it continues to be exposed for what it is – a seditious Movement in the West which seeks our destruction. Just read their documents or listen to what they say (when they don’t think you are listening). One of the slickest of the enemy’s operatives has been working on Capitol Hill and in the elite circles around D.C. for years. He is Suhail Khan – a Muslim Brother and a key figure in the broader Islamic Movement in the U.S.

Khan, the son of one of the most prominent MB/Hamas leaders in the country when he was alive (Mehboob Khan), was groomed to be one of the MB’s leaders for the next generation. In a NY Post story by author Paul Sperry this week, videos were released for the first time demonstrating Suhail Khan’s relationship and support for/from several terrorists, to include convicted Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi, convicted terrorist Sami al Arian, MB Leader Jamal Barzinji, and others. Additionally, a speech by Khan was released in which he states, “The early Muslims loved death, dying for the sake of almighty Allah, more than the oppressors loved life…This must be the case when we are fighting…What are our oppressors going to do with a people like us? We are prepared to give our lives for the cause of Islam.”

Over the years Khan has openly supported and advocated for Hamas fronts in the U.S. to include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and others. His response to the recent significant media coverage of his direct ties to terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood? He is lashing out at those who have laid the facts out on the table. Unfortunately, the facts speak for themselves. Please allow me to shred Mr. Khan’s most frequent defenses among his conservative friends:

  1. Khan’s Point: He is a long-time conservative with numerous bona fides within conservative circles to include his position on the Board of the American Conservative Union. The fact Khan has duped leaders in the conservative movement in the U.S. goes more towards their ignorance than to Khan’s good intentions. The facts are overwhelming that Suhail is a prime figure in the Islamic Movement in the U.S. His mother worked for Hamas front CAIR, and his father was one of the original Muslim Brothers in the United States who founded and led several Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas fronts in the U.S. and supported Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri when he came to the U.S. to raise money. Khan has praised his father’s legacy and his work. It would be interesting to have some of Suhail Khan’s conservative friends explain his close relationship with terrorists like Alamoudi and al Arian.
  2. Khan’s Point: His associations with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) do not prove anything as this is a prominent Islamic organization. Attempts to paint ISNA as hostile to the U.S. is nonsense and false. By a mountain of evidence entered into the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial in U.S. history (US v Holy Land Foundation, Dallas 2008) ISNA was proven to be a Hamas support entity and the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization in North America – created to be the “nucleus” for the Islamic Movement in North America. The MB’s strategy in the U.S. is to wage a “civilization-jihadist process” to “destroy Western civilization from within.” These are facts which come from Muslim Brotherhood documents discovered in raids of residences and offices of Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the U.S. in the last 8 years. These facts have survived several legal challenges. Khan is lying to protect ISNA/Hamas. Why?
  3. Khan’s Point: The aforementioned speech he gave was “taken out of context” – he meant he wants to give his life in service for Islam. The early Muslims loved death, dying for the sake of almighty Allah, more than the oppressors loved life…This must be the case when we are fighting…What are our oppressors going to do with a people like us? We are prepared to give our lives for the cause of Islam.” Not much confusion as to what this means, especially when understood in term of Islamic Legal requirements of Jihad and its definition in Islamic Law, which Khan knows well being a Muslim Brother.
  4. Khan’s Point: People who reveal facts about Khan and his family Sperry simply seek to smear him and his father’s image and all the great work they have done/are doing. As a former Intelligence Officer, this one doesn’t pass the smell test, but let’s get to the facts. Suhail’s father, Mehbood Khan, was one of the most prominent Muslim Brothers in the United States who led MB front groups, like the Muslim Communities Association (MCA). ISNA has an annual award named after him. Suhail Khan should be made to explain himself based on facts, and not be allowed to hide behind his use of the “personal smears” mantra. This is the objective way to handle this situation. He must account for his activities and his associations. Crying bigotry doesn’t cut it.

The elephant in the room is the fact that Suhail Khan has supporters and defenders on both sides of the political fence. Why anyone would openly defend Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas operatives like Suhail Khan is beyond a rational explanation. The evidence and facts are clear. Khan and his collaborators need to be held to account.