Senator Jim DeMint: The START 2 Treaty Does Limit U.S. Missile Defense

“This is a major arms control agreement and, in my mind, has some very serious flaws and can actually make the world more dangerous if we’re not careful.” – Senator Jim DeMint

The Obama administration repeatedly claims that their negotiation of arms control with the Russians does not limit U.S. missile defense. According to Senator DeMint, that is not what the treaty says nor what the Russians say. It does limit us from building missile defense systems that protect us from Russian missiles. This is to maintain the Mutually Assured Destruction policy which requires us, de facto, not to defend ourselves. It does not account for the Chinese, North Koreans, Iran, and others. What the administration means, perhaps, is that U.S. missile defense is not limited because they have no ambitions of defending the American people from real missile threats. Will U.S. missile defense be a sacrifice at the alter of “engagement” as the legacy of Obama’s arms control policy? Senator DeMint is in a key position to inform us on the consequential details of this treaty that the mainstream media is not talking about and he discussed them today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio:



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