WikiLeaks Moves to Nuke-Proof Bunker

Technology Review reports that WikiLeaks, under denial of service attack and having been booted from previous hosts, has now found a new host that literally keeps its data center in an underground bunker. You can see some fascinating photos with the article. My only disagreement is that Assange is not as impressive as a Bond villain. He’s more like Dr. Evil. An excerpt:

“If Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is trying to turn himself into a Bond villain, he’s succeeded: the ongoing distributed denial of service attack against Wikileaks has forced his minions to move the site to a fortified data center encased in a cold war-era, nuke-proof bunker encased in bedrock. Really.

The host is called Bahnhof, and considering that the attacks against Wikileaks already forced its original host, PRG, to boot the site, and its second host,, to bow to political pressure to do the same, one wonders why Swedish Bahnhof would take on the challenge of hosting a site that will probably be under permanent attack for the foreseeable future.

Unless it’s for the PR value: Bahnhof has hosted Wikileaks before. In which case, let the gallery begin.”


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