I am not a Hillary Clinton fan. But with the WikiLeaks document dump, I might become one.
Julian Assange, the criminal founder of WikiLeaks, wants her scalp. He told Time magazine, “But she should resign if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering U.S. diplomatic figures to engage in espionage in the United Nations, in violation of the international covenants to which the U.S. has signed up. Yes, she should resign over that.”
Funny, but rather than fire her, I think we should increase her pay. After all, here we have a Secretary of State that appears to be working extra hard to strengthen the position of her country, or at least strengthen our diplomatic position as it relates to the UN. Assange is either totally ignorant or he’s a lying anti-American stooge. The United Nations has always been a nest for spying. The Soviets did it during the Cold War, and Russia does it now. Does anyone doubt that the Chinese don’t use diplomats to collect intelligence at the United Nations? PLEASE.
What comes out of the WikiLeaks documents is an image of Hillary Clinton as the adult supervision of the Obama Administration. It’s not a good sign when the toughest person in the administration is the…..Secretary of State. Standing up for American interests? How could she!
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