Marc Thiessen writes:

“We are less than a year away from the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. As that milestone approaches, a dangerous view is taking hold in Washington that al-Qaeda no longer has the intent or capability to repeat the devastation of that terrible day. In February, Vice President Joe Biden announced that ‘the idea of there being a massive attack in the United States like 9/11 is unlikely, in my view’ and that we need only worry about ‘small bore’ attacks.

On Friday, the former heads of the 9/11 Commission echoed Biden’s assertions, declaring that after Sept. 11, 2001, the intelligence community wrongly believed that al-Qaeda was intent on ‘matching or besting the loss of life and destruction it caused that day.’ Really? They must have forgotten how al-Qaeda planned to mark the fifth anniversary of 9/11 — with a plot, nearly consummated, to blow up seven transatlantic flights departing London’s Heathrow Airport for New York, Washington, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto and San Francisco.”