
Team Rubicon is an intrepid group of military vets, doctors, and first responders who march to the sound of suffering. They formed in the days immediately following the earthquake in Haiti and basically grabbed their gear and went. They are well known to all of us at BLACKFIVE and Matt Burden sits on their advisory board. Here is all of our coverage of their operations in Haiti, Chile, Thailand and now Pakistan.

The Team Rubicon Pakistan mission is in many ways a pilot program for American medical professionals who are apprehensive about working in this country. Over the past few days TR has treated over 2,500 patients in various parts of southern Punjab, an area devastated by the floods and resulting water-borne disease. We treated patients for heat stroke, malaria, multi-drug resistant TB, scabies, boils, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. We were able to reach remote villages because we developed a local partner who facilitated our entry, security, and other logistical needs. Dr. Eduardo Dolhun noted that many of his colleagues wanted to travel to Pakistan but were just too scared to commit. Given the barriers to entry, including fear, I think we’ve proved that developing a trusted local partner – in conjunction with local security forces – is a safe way to bring medical relief to the 20 million plus Pakistani people who have lost their homes due to the flooding crisis. God knows they need it.

William McNulty

Team Leader

TR Pakistan

You can follow them at the TR blog here as well. Be advised that the pictures show the realism of the horrific situations and human suffering they deal with. They make the most out of whatever they have and any assistance they get goes directly to saving lives.

Above video trailer from their efforts which helped thousands of Haitians with emergency surgery and numerous other life-saving measures.