The Heart and Soul of New York Turns Out To Stop the Shariah Mosque at Ground Zero

On Sunday, August 22, 2010, New Yorkers from all walks of life came out to protest the Cordoba Initiative mosque. The current talking point for the mainstream media claims that the Ground Zero mosque is a political football for conservatives. This is a callous trivialization of many who lost loved ones on 9/11.

Upon a closer look, we find that opponents of Imam Rauf and his shadowy financiers understand the intentional and symbolic meaning of building a monument in the name of the Cordoba Mosque in Spain (which was formerly a cathedral) on the ground where Americans lost their lives to modern Totalitarian Islamist conquest.

As Frank put it, “One of the most touching moments of the program for me was when one of the speakers asked for a show of hands of those who had lost a loved one or a friend and the hands went up all over the crowd. It was so moving because people where there because they were connected to this ground. This hallowed ground wasn’t just an abstraction for them. This is where they had lost people who mattered to them.”

Beth Gilinsky of Action Alliance coordinated Sunday’s rally and joined Frank for a heartening discussion about the event. Listen to the conversation here:



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