Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio:

“Some thoughts on what I can only describe as taqiyya coming out of the White House. We have a statement issued in the President’s name by the press office yesterday marking the beginning of the Ramadan month of fasting and devotion by Muslims in the world over. The President’s statement is long on his enthusiasm for Islam and unfortunately in the process a bit short on the facts. That is where the taqiyya comes in of course. Taqiyya is lying for the faith according to the tradition of Shar’iah. Whether the President is himself Muslim or not is a matter of continuing controversy in certain quarters. But I think it is sufficient to say that in this instance what he is saying about Ramadan, what he is saying about Islam really does translate into lying about if not for the faith.

And let me be clear, I’m not suggesting that what he is saying is untrue of some Muslims. There are millions; we hope hundreds of millions of Muslims that eschew Shar’iah with all that that entails for freedom, for progress, for the opportunities of which the President speaks in his statement. In fact, he talks about how Islam is all about advancing opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. And again, I think some Muslims certainly are. But Islam, the tradition specifically of Shar’iah which the authorities of Islam say is the only practice of the faith, well its not about advancing opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. Far from it folks. It is about promoting the interests, the opportunities, the prosperity of Muslims, yes, but the rest of us are condemned to either becoming Muslims or accepting status as what is known as dhimmis. Second-class citizens. Or dying.”

Listen to the rest of Frank’s monologue here: [audio:]