Survey: Lee Zeldin Holds Commanding Lead in NYGOP Primary for Governor

Lee Zeldin appears during New York's Republican gubernatorial debate at the studios o
Brittainy Newman/Newsday via AP, Pool

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) holds a commanding lead in the New York Republican primary race for governor, a recent McLaughlin & Associates survey found.

The survey, taken among 600 likely Republican primary election voters in the Empire State, shows the gubernatorial hopeful leading his opponents by double digits —  21 percent.

Zeldin holds 38 percent support, followed by Andrew Giuliani and Rob Astorino, who are tied in a distant second with 17 percent support each. GOP challenger Harry Wilson comes in at 16 percent support, and 12 percent remain undecided. However, the percentage of undecided voters alone is not enough to offset Zeldin’s lead.

“New Yorkers from every corner of our state are sick and tired of the attacks on our wallets, safety, freedom and kids’ education, and they know it’s going to take a new generation of leadership to Save Our State,” Zeldin said in response to the survey.

“In poll after poll, New Yorkers have made it clear that they’re all in on our rescue mission to restore New York to glory and that losing is not an option. We have the issues on our side, we have the grassroots support on our side, and on June 28th Republican primary voters are going to send a message loud and clear that we have New Yorkers on our side,” he added.

The survey coincides with an Emerson College Poll released this month, which also found Zeldin holding a double-digit lead over his GOP primary opponents.

Zeldin, who recently earned an endorsement from the New York Post’s editorial board, said during a June appearance on Breitbart News Daily that he would end all coronavirus mandates in New York on “day one” as governor.

“We still have toddlers wearing masks inside of New York City schools — kids learning how to speak, maybe they’re on the autism spectrum, and they can’t see the teacher’s face, the teacher can’t see their faces — it’s child abuse, in my opinion, and it’s certainly unscientific,” he said.

“There’s still a COVID mandate in place for getting the vaccine,” Zeldin added. “If you want to get the shot, get the shot. If you don’t want to get the shot, don’t get the shot, but you don’t do it because the governor called on you to be her apostle.”


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