IDF Slams Washington Post for Misleading Headline on Hezbollah Attack

Druze women mourn near the coffin of a loved one after a reported strike from Lebanon fell
Menahem Kahana / AFP via Getty

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) slammed the Washington Post on Monday for running a headline that suggested the Israeli victims of a Hezbollah rocket attack were Lebanese victims of an Israeli attack.

The Post ran photograph of mourners attending a funeral for children killed in a Hezbollah rocket attack with a headline declaring “Israel hits targets in Lebanon” illustrated by the families grieving lost ones in an attack by terrorists on the Golan Heights.

Using social media outlet X – formerly known as Twitter – the IDF pointed to a basic inconsistency with the newspaper’s report.

It said, “This is the front page of the @washingtonpost today. You can see grieving family members burying children murdered by Hezbollah in the Madjal Shams massacre.

“If by chance you understood anything else from their headline, you might not be the problem.”


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