The latest Palestinian zoological-related conspiracy theory has Israel outfitting “spy cows” with surveillance equipment to track their movements, according to a piece by the Palestinian Authority’s official daily.

Palestinians have in the past accused Israel of sending genetically engineered sharks into Egyptian waters, “super rats” to infest the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City, and killer Zionist dolphins off Gaza’s shores to attack Hamas frogmen.

Only last week, Britain’s National Education Union (NEU) rehashed a boar-related conspiracy theory originally disseminated by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who in 2014 insisted that “every night, [Israelis] release wild pigs against us.”

There is even a Wikipedia page titled, “Israel-related animal conspiracy theories.”

In the article published last Tuesday in the PA’s Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, Rushd Morrar, from Khirbet Yanun in the West Bank, said he had encountered cows  “recruited and trained” by Israel.

“These are recruited and trained cattle, as on the neck of each cow they hang a medallion with an eavesdropping and recording device on it, and sometimes cameras, in order to monitor every detail in Khirbet Yanun large and small,” the newspaper cited Morrar as saying, according to a translation by monitoring group Palestinian Media Watch.

Morrar also claimed that “settlers release herds of wild boars” to destroy Palestinian crops, the newspaper said.

“The settlers’ crimes are diversifying and becoming sophisticated, and the means they employ in their war are unlimited,” he said.