Pompeo Blasts Khamenei’s ‘Disgusting, Hateful Antisemitism’

MUNICH, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 15: Mike Pompeo, US secretary of state delivers a speech at the
Johannes Simon/Getty

TEL AVIV – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday slammed Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s “disgusting and hateful antisemitic remarks” posted a day earlier on Twitter.

Khamenei described Israel as a “cancerous tumor” and slammed some Arab states, like Saudi Arabia, for warming relations with Jerusalem. He also invoked Nazi Germany by calling for a “Final Solution.”

“The United States condemns Supreme Leader Khamenei’s disgusting and hateful anti-Semitic remarks,” Pompeo wrote. “They have no place on Twitter or on any other social media platform. We know Khamenei’s vile rhetoric does not represent the Iranian people’s tradition of tolerance.

“The leader of the world’s top sponsor of terrorism and anti-Semitism denies the Holocaust, sends money and weapons to anti-Israel terrorists, and now has invoked the Nazi call for the Final Solution.”

“Is this someone who can be trusted with deadly weapons?” Pompeo asked.

On a visit to Jerusalem last week, Pompeo accused Iran of “fomenting terror” even as its people are suffering from the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“Even during this pandemic the Iranians are using the ayatollah regime’s resources to foment terror across the world, even when the people of Iran are struggling so mightily,” Pompeo said. “It tells you a lot about the soul of those people who lead that country.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office also released a statement slamming Khamenei’s remarks.

“Khamenei’s threats to carry out “The Final Solution” against Israel bring to mind the Nazi “Final Solution” plan to annihilate the Jewish People. He should know that any regime that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel faces a similar danger,” the statement read.

The Anti-Defamation League’s head, Jonathan Greenblatt, called Khamenei’s comments “disgusting.”

“Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the #1 state sponsor of antisemitism + terror, is calling for the “final solution” to destroy the Jewish state. He uses a Nazi slogan associated with genocide and envisions terrorist groups storming the Temple Mount. Let that sink in. Disgusting,” Greenblatt posted to Twitter.




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