JERUSALEM – Fatah celebrated the anniversary of its founding with a procession in Ramallah last week in which masked men sang a chant calling for its members to “blow up” Israelis. 

The Fatah marchers carried unlit torches and waved Fatah flags while chanting “blow up the head of the settler,” according to a report by Palestinian Media Watch. As PMW notes, Fatah and the Palestinian Authority often refer to all Israelis as “settlers” regardless of whether they live inside the so-called Green Line or beyond it. When a Palestinian terrorist stabbed American tourist Taylor Force to death in Tel Aviv in 2016, the news report broadcast on official PA television referred to Force and other victims of the attack as “settlers.”

The parade marked the 54th anniversary of the “Intilaqa” — the “launch” of Fatah — which is marked on the anniversary of its first attempted terror attack against Israel on January 1, 1965 with its planned assault on Israel’s national water carrier.

The same chant was sung by members of Fatah’s youth movement at Bir Zeit University in 2017, PMW reported.

Fatah also marked its anniversary by posting images of rifles, grenades, armed men and Palestinian teenagers carrying assault rifles on its official Facebook page.

The above image features all of Israel as “Palestine.” The text below reads: “Fatah, A rifle’s sounds of joy, A rebel’s rifle, A flag of victory.”