Lebanese Politicians Blast Hezbollah Over Tunnels into Israel

Lebanon tunnels (Mahmoud Zayyat / AFP / Getty)
Mahmoud Zayyat / AFP / Getty

The Algemeiner reports: A growing number of Lebanese politicians and political commentators are openly accusing Hezbollah — the Iranian regime’s Shi’a proxy — of endangering their country’s security in the wake of the discovery of tunnels dug by the terrorist organization under the border with Israel.

The discovery led the Israeli military to launch “Operation Northern Shield” last week, with the aim of locating and destroying all of Hezbollah’s tunnels. On Wednesday, the IDF announced that it had discovered a third Hezbollah tunnel.

The sharp escalation in tension between Israel and Hezbollah, which last fought a war in the summer of 2006, has generated considerable anxiety in Lebanon, particularly — but not exclusively — among the country’s Christian minority. Hezbollah and its political allies, who include Lebanese President Michel Aoun and the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, have steadfastly dodged taking responsibility for the tunnels, charging Israel instead with having violated UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which brought the six-week long conflict in 2006 to a close.

Read more here.


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