TEL AVIV – The IDF on Monday exposed observation posts along the Lebanese-Israel border being used by the Iranian proxy terror group Hezbollah under the guise of a supposed tree-planting environmental group callings itself “Green Without Borders.”

It was the sixth such post identified by Israel along the border; it is located near the Lebanese village of al-Adisa. In June 2017, the Israeli military uncovered five observation posts owned by the environmental organization. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said then that the posts were being used to carry out intelligence and reconnaissance work for the terror group.

“The well-documented proof of Hezbollah’s dangerous provocation verifies that Hezbollah conducts reconnaissance activity near the Blue Line and disguises it as civilian activity, in clear violation of UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559,” Danon told the UN Security Council at the time. “The international community cannot continue to turn a blind eye to Hezbollah’s flagrant violations of UNSC resolutions.”

The newly uncovered observation post is located less than a kilometer from the border and the Israeli kibbutz of Misgav Am.

“We see them gathering intelligence on Israeli activities,” a senior official from the IDF Northern Command said, but added that there were “no arms visible.”

“But we can see military equipment and infrastructure,” the official said.

“The people manning this position are watching the IDF and Misgav Am,” he said. “They are not interested in planting trees.”

“We expect UNIFIL to surveil these positions and visit them. Until now, they haven’t done so,” he said of the peacekeeping United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon stationed along the border.