Watch: Palestinian Analyst Claims ‘Holocaust a Lie’ Perpetrated by Jews ‘In Collusion with Hitler’

The Holocaust was a “lie” made real by Jews who colluded with Adolf Hitler in order to bring “settlers to Palestine,” a Palestinian political analyst has claimed.

The incredible, untested assertion was made by Hani Abu Zeid the day before Israel marked its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day when the country pauses to remember the six million European Jews murdered by Nazi Germany.

It came during an interview on Palestinian television, transcribed by Middle East Media Research Institute, a Washington-based press media monitoring group. Here is a transcript:

“The [Israeli] soldier, the officers behind him, and even the Israeli war [sic] minister, and above him, Netanyahu should stand trial as war criminals,” said Zeid, referring to Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The accumulation of cases, one after the other… The Israelis will end up shedding tears of blood [out of regret] for their current conduct. They used to cry about the false Holocaust in the days of Hitler, the scope of which was not that large. I’d like to point out…”

The interviewer, who was not identified, agreed before adding, “The [Holocaust] is a lie that they spread worldwide.”

“Yes, it was a lie, and many Israelis, or many Jews, colluded with Hitler, so that he would facilitate the bringing of settlers to Palestine,” Zeid said.

Holocaust denial is nothing new, however it is becoming more mainstream in parts of the Middle East and Europe.

As Breitbart Jerusalem reported, anti-Semitic symbols and threats along with posts on social media denying the Holocaust have increased by 30 percent, according to a recent report by the World Jewish Congress (WJC), with Twitter hosting the vast bulk of offending material.

The WJC-commissioned study, made in collaboration with Vigo Social Intelligence is titled Anti-Semitic Symbols and Holocaust Denial in Social Media Posts: January 2018. It reveals a dramatic increase in the number of incidents already in 2018 compared with the same period in 2016, with the U.S. and Europe leading the way.

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