Hamas Cell Nabbed Plotting to Kidnap Israelis Over Hanukkah

hamas fighters gaza

The Algemeiner reports: JNS.org – Israeli security forces — including the Shin Bet security agency, Israel Police and IDF — have thwarted an attempt by the Gaza-ruling Palestinian terror group Hamas to kidnap Israelis in Samaria during Hanukkah.

In uncovering a Hamas terror cell operating near Nablus, the Shin Bet found that the group planned to kidnap local Jewish residents or an Israeli soldier from bus stops in the area. The leader of the Palestinian terror cell, Muad Ashtiyah, 26, from the village of Tel near Nablus, acquired weapons and recruited terrorists Mahmoud Ramadan and Ahmad Ramadan, both 19, to assist with the kidnapping.

The Palestinian terror cell was in contact with Gaza-based Hamas operative Omar Assida, who heads coordination of Hamas’s money-laundering schemes and terror operations between Gaza and the disputed territories.

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