TEL AVIV — Palestinian social media users, along with some in the larger Arab world, praised the brutal Palestinian terrorist attack in which three members of an Israeli family were murdered on Friday night during a Sabbath meal in the town of Halamish west of Ramallah.

Palestinian journalist Yasser Zaatreh wrote, “Yesterday was one of Palestine’s biggest days, starting with a day of rage that boasted the blood of three martyrs and ended with a heroic act that hurt the invaders. This is the land that Allah blessed.”

Palestinian poet Rebhi Altemawi used metaphorical language to describe the attack, writing, “The attack in Halamish, light and more light and more surprises.”

Palestinian journalist Mahmoud Abou Hassan quoted the Quran, writing, “Allah lifts up the hearts of the faithful.”

Twitter user Shadow Night Thanks wrote, “With the help of Allah the next attacks will be more severe. May Allah multiply these attacks.”

Abu Khalid characterized the horrific slaying thusly, “Defending al-Aqsa is not terror.”

Alubeidi wrote, “The heroes in Palestine kill the criminal Zionists and Hassan Nasrallah’s cowards kill the Syrians.” Nasrallah is the chief of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group.

Zakaria Mustafa wrote, “Thank Allah, the God of the world. This will happen to those who remain (of the Jews).”

The Angel of al-Aqsa made do with the words, “Long live the perpetrator of the attack.”

Zizo Yomna wrote of the assailant, “May Allah protect him from all evil.”

Another Twitter user wrote, “Allah was merciful to our martyrs. And in all regards to the Zionist Pigs, Allah will throw them into hell.”

Isam Naser wrote, “You’re a hero; you turned the equation on its head. The Zionist gangs have reinforced the area with 15,000 pigs (security personnel) and you alone have turned the equation on its head and now (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is crying. He and his gang are now in great distress. May Allah heal a lion.”

The victims of the attack were identified as Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya Salomon, 46, and son Elad Salomon, 36.

The perpetrator was identified as 20-year-old Omar al-Abed, from the West Bank village of Khobar, near Ramallah.

A post on Abed’s Facebook page says that he was motivated to act in response to the ongoing situation regarding the Temple Mount.

The posted stated, “I have many dreams and I believe they will come true, I love life and I love to make others happy, but what is my life when they (Israel) murder women and children and defile our al-Aqsa.”

With additional reporting by Aaron Klein.